Audio: Roche's big adventure [Bryan Namoff]

You're all familiar with DC101's DJ-extraordinaire Roche (3-7 p.m. every day on 101.1!). What you may or may not know, is he is a big soccer guy and a D.C. United supporter through and through.

Roche approached me several weeks ago about his desire to do a podcast with United and MLS guys, but he didn't want it to be your run of the mill soccer podcast.  In addition to talking a little soccer, he also wanted to get into the lifestyle, off-the-field activities and all the goings-on for professional soccer players in the states.  

A couple weeks ago, Roche recorded a trial run with United's own Bryan Namoff, with help from my favorite sidekick, Whitney. Give the inaugural episode a listen - lots of good stuff, including insight into Roche and Namoff's old partying days, using twitter, United's stadium search, Marelo Gallardo's season and much more. 

The big challenge now is coming up with a name for the podcast - any ideas?

Who would you like to see interviewed for the next episode, whether a United player or someone else from around MLS?